
I hope you will learn to love and learn from your children and grandchildren.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Daughter of my daughter

9-20-12:   This blog is not being updated as often as I would like!!  May 5, 2012 I was blessed with another grandchild - a little girl.  

She is my daughter's baby.  What a different feeling when it is YOUR daughter carrying a baby.  

I delivered all my children via Cesarean birth, was only awake for the last child, and did not watch.  SOOOO when my daughter asked me to be with her during delivery with her husband and my other daughter - it was like a dream come true. 

Delivering a little person into this world has to be the most intense, laboring, and rewarding experience for a new mom. Watching little pieces of L's head slowly being born and then all of a sudden, with one last push, she is out in this world being taken care of IMMEDIATELY by everyone around her.  My son-in-law didn't know who to be with - newborn baby or incredible wife.  
The family unit had begun!!

I and my other daughter were so excited hugging and crying, and then, we find out they had named their little girl after their 2 moms.  Another absolute thrill!!!

For now - incredible awe for all those moms out their who have gone through vaginal births!! 

Next...adjusting to new grandchild(ren) - !!!                  

Friday, April 6, 2012

Just adore my grandchildren!!!

How can I describe what I feel in my heart when I am with my grandchildren?

There is so much "newness" that comes out of them so naturally. Why have

we, as adults, lost that? My grandson is always pointing out what is blooming,

or hey, look Nana, a bunny is watching me by that tree, or I wonder where that

bug is going. We spent 20 minutes following an ant one day. It was glorious!

His sister is 10 months old, "talking" all the time, such a happy baby. She loves

watching her brother play and if he is right on top of her - she is in heaven. She

will try to pull him back down if he gets up. She was in the stroller the other day,

watching him swing and she was bouncing back and forth like him. Her smile is

so sweet. Also, when I am holding her she will grab my hair and pull my face to hers.

I just love it!

I currently have a job where I have an abusive boss (to everyone). Driving into

work and leaving - God always puts in my mind past times I have spent with my

kiddos. And just picturing their faces, smiles, the way they reach for me or ask me

to play basketball, baseball or swing with them - these things make me smile and

feel so lucky inside that I have the time to spend with them - It definitely helps me

deal with the bad stuff from the day's work.

Monday, February 20, 2012

I hope, writing here as often as I can, that these will inspire, encourage and enlighten all women and men who are becoming parents nowadays.

Everyone always says "If I knew then what I know now..." My hope is that I can show you how
unimportant pride is in the whole scheme of things.

Most people give advice, even unsolicited, to save their audience from the pain they had experienced, or to help the hearer's salvage some of so much wasted time in our lives.

My hope is you will be open to these varying "opinions".